Several activities through Mini-field Day, toys, nearby outing and delicious pizzas!
Today is the Children’s Day!
※ LG Electronics has been hosting the Children’s Day event since 2014!
35 people from ‘Life’s Good Volunteer Group’ and ‘10th ESG Academy for University Students’ organized the ‘Mini-field day. They provided special treats and presents, helping the disabled children reduce physical tension, build bonds, and enhance their self-esteem and social adjustment.
♥ Sponsor: LG Electronics
♥ Sponsorship Details: Mini-field Day & Gifts
♥ Distributed to: Welfare Facility for the Disabled 「Amsa Rehabilitation Center」
The disabled children’s creativity grows!
‘Myeongryun Nanum Volunteer Group’ consists of employees and owners of restaurants from Myeongryundang Co., Ltd. The volunteer group About 10 people gave presents to children and teenagers with disabilities. These presents include educational and creativity toys such as tablet PCs and coding learning aids. The presents have greatly helped in the growth and development of severely disabled children and have enhanced their creativity.
♥ Sponsor: Myeongryundang Co.,Ltd operating the brand, Myeong Ryun Jinsa Galbi ※ 100th We the Great Shops
♥ Sponsorship Details: Learning aids worth about 3 million won.
♥ Distributed to: Welfare Facility for the Disabled「Amsa Rehabilitation Center」
Counseling Camp for a Single-parent Family
26 mothers and children staying in ‘Pyeonhanjip’ and ‘Ingater’ had a great time in the theme park E-world and aquarium. With this program, mothers who could not easily afford the trip were able to enhance their bond with their children. Mothers also participated in a group counseling session and strengthened their parenting skills.
♥ Sponsor: Korea Financial Industry Foundation
♥ Sponsorship Details: 150 million won ※ Individual Development Account, Job-seeking support, Educational Expenditure, Counseling, Parent Education Support
♥ Distributed to: Single-parent Family Welfare Facility Pyeonhanjip, Ingater and low-income single-parent familiesonwide
The Perfect Food Giveaway
The Domino’s Party Car visited the 'The Green Village we made' and distributed pizzas to About 100 teenagers and employees. The children enjoyed the bazaar, enjoyed booths, and had warm pizzas as a perfect meal.
♥ Sponsor: Domino’s Pizza
♥ Sponsorship Details: Pizzas by ‘Domino’s Party Car’ ※ The food truck equipped with pizza cooking facilities.
♥ Distributed to: 「Yeomni Community Welfare Center